Business Continuity & Disaster Planning

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) addresses the issue of maintaining the viability of the business during an emergency. It is a holistic, cost-effective means of preparing to respond to a disaster.

Invictus X provides Business Continuity Consulting to assist customers in protecting their employees and assets and to enable them to resume operations in an expedient and controlled fashion. Business Continuity Consulting reviews the following key elements of a plan:

  • A risk management program that includes clearly defined roles and responsibilities, including the support of an organisation’s functions
  • Specific incident/emergency management responses that identify assembly areas at a safe distance from the site of the incident
  • Accessible recovery locations and emergency operations centres
  • A process for automatically switching telephone and data lines
  • Manual processes for continuing operations until all systems are up and running
  • Processes to deal with the loss of information that are not available from backup data
  • Testing of the business continuity plans on an end-to-end basis
  • A BCP awareness program
  • A review process to keep the BCP up to date